Chris Rish


I love my job. Making pictures for a living is a privilege. You might imagine: adventures with creative people in beautiful locations with great light!

It’s an exhausting, technical practice. Pre-dawn calls and late-nights home after long hours, with creeping thoughts that you’ve forgotten something.

Even after wrap, you still have to hustle.

But there isn’t anything else I would do.  I particularly thank my patient wife and kids who put up with these challenges.

camera operator director of photography
Operating on the Feature Film: The Favorite
Shooting on A Taste of Love
Shooting on A Taste of Love
Directing a Belly Flop Shot for Tanked on Animal Planet.
Directing a Belly Flop Shot for Tanked on Animal Planet.

I start by looking around and connecting with my subjects.  The goal is to disappear. Once I’m part of the furniture, the work reveals itself.